25 Amazing Facts about gaming.
Video games engulf our very core with gameplay that mystifies us, stories that thrill and amaze us and characters that live forever in our memory. There are so many small hidden stories and facts behind all the games that we have enjoyed and cherished. Let’s look at some of them: The game Sonic Hedgehog has inspired a gene in the human body called SHH (sonic Hedgehog). It is responsible for ensuring all our limbs and organs grow where they are supposed to In Pokemon Red & Blue, the three renowned birds Arcticuno, Zapdos and Moltres actually means “One Two Three” in Spanish! Artic-UNO, Zap-DOS, Mol-TRES as spelled in Spanish. So everybody thought that the video games are actually useless! Here the answer: Studies indicate that surgeons who regularly play video games make 37% fewer mistakes and operate 27% faster than their peers. Source All you people out there who have been often ridiculed for playing too many video games, now it’s to time to answer all your critics. Studies hav