What Is Cosmic Energy Meditation And What Are Its Benefits?

Do you find your life disorderly? Do you constantly feel there is something missing in your life but are unable to figure out what that is? Sometimes we feel stuck in life, and no power on this earth seems to be able to help us.
And that is when you should start practicing cosmic energy meditation! It has the magical ability to change your life for the better! Want to know more about it? Continue your read!

What Is Cosmic Energy?

Cosmic energy is the life force that is existent everywhere. It is present in the cosmos, between the galaxies, the molecules and in the space. It is essential to maintain the order of our life and expand our consciousness. Cosmic energy is received by being at peace with one’s own self and living in the present moment. Blissfulness is the basic characteristic of cosmic energy. It is a state of mind that combines peace, love and joy.
Cosmic energy is the basis of all our actions, reactions to situations and functions in totality. Our body receives some amount of cosmic energy when we are in sleep, total silence and in peace of mind. Cosmic energy is essential for the following reasons:
  • To maintain an orderly life
  • To lead a happy and healthy life
  • To obtain knowledge
  • To completely involve in all the situations in life
  • To expand our consciousness

What Religion And Philosophy Say:

As per Hindu philosophy, this energy is known as Kashmir Shaivism or Spiritual energy or Prana. The cosmic energy is thought to be the source of Kundalini. Certain New Age authors refer to this energy as quantum zero vacuum point energy and as orgone energy.

Benefits Of Cosmic Energy Meditation:

Our body and mind are surrounded with an energy field which is nourished by cosmic energy. This positive energy always helps in the healing of the physical, mental and spiritual self. Cosmic energy reduces negativity, aids in complete healing and creates harmony in life. Some physical benefits of cosmic energy are listed below:
  1. Cosmic energy supports the regulation of blood flow and lowers the stress on the heart.
  2. Cosmic energy helps in lowering cortisol and lactate levels in the body. These are often associated with mental stress.
  3. Cosmic energy helps in eliminating free radicals from the body.
  4. Cosmic energy does wonders in treating all psychological issues such as anxiety, irritability and depression.
  5. Cosmic energy aids in healing cardiovascular diseases and develops skin resistance.
  6. Cosmic energy helps to improve memory function. It plays an excellent role in enhancing the psychological self by supporting the self-actualization and rejuvenation feelings.

Cosmic Energy And Meditation:

There is abundant cosmic energy in the cosmos. This energy can be channelized by using chakras, breathing exercises or energy healing. However, the best and simplest way to acquire this positive energy is through meditation.
  1. Cosmic energy enters our body through the mind. Meditation helps our mind to be calm and focused to receive this cosmic energy.
  1. In most individuals, the chakras may be partially closed most of the time due to mental distractions such as stress, anxiety, fear, negative emotions and worries. Cosmic energy enters our system through the chakras and supports the individual energy field of the body.
  1. During meditation, the mind and body tends to become one. This makes the physical and spiritual self ready to receive cosmic energy and aids in cosmic energy healing.
  1. Experts suggest that cosmic energy can also be channelized through meditation. This meditation imparts calmness of mind and develops inner peace. When the mind is calm, it can receive the cosmic energy.
  1. By focusing on breathing through the base chakra and absorbing energy from the earth, one will be able to increase the body energy in a short period.
  1. Reiki works on the principle of accessing cosmic energy and internal energy as well. This is another excellent method of receiving cosmic energy through meditation.
In brief, it can be inferred that cosmic energy can be felt and received through a regular practice of meditation.
Do you practice cosmic energy meditation? Share your experiences with us in the comments section!


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